
Friday, March 15, 2013

Counting the least as Crucial

All Are Counted

This morning one of my colleagues gave me a booklet which contained the story of a church.

This booklet beautifully tells the history of that church and its current condition. As a writer and editor I was fascinated at its presentation styles, choice of words, the paper, the print quality... I got so much absorbed into it.

I was turning over and pouring over the pages with the intent to know about the church and as well to learn from its presentation styles. But God had intended something more beautiful and a needed truth for me to learn.

I was surprised to find a few ministries listed in its various ministries list – Security, Ushers, etc.!

Though I have browsed through many brochures and information booklets of worldwide ministries, this is the first time that I find “security” “ushers” being mentioned in the ministerial list. Though everywhere the help of the security people, the ushers are taken, seldom or never they are counted as part of the “main ministerial team”.

I started pondering upon the reason in the Indian context.

One, the caste system has played a major role in segregating works for different caste people; wherein one is to do only the job that which is prescribed for his caste members. This is enforced much upon menial labours. Only a particular caste people were meant to sweep and clean the toilets and so on.

Second, when someone belonging to a higher caste would sweep or do some menial work, even occasionally, he is considered as a mahan (great person)!

ImportantThis influence is seen in the Indian Christianity and ministries too. Either it be recognition in a ministry or classification of ministries, they are based only upon those works that are considered “big”. We only write, propagate, publicize and acknowledge those who “preach”, “lead worship”, “play music”, “write books”, “direct films”, “administrate” and the like.  There is a need for a paradigm shift in our thinking and approach to ministries in this regard. We need to start acknowledging, accepting and accrediting the works of menial labourers and everyone as crucial and integral part of ministry. People working in the Kitchens, Construction sites, Cleaning, Electrical jobs, Driving vehicles, etc. all are important.

After I read that information booklet and was pondering upon it, I receive a PPT from a friend with these beautiful words -

... after some months at the faculty of medicine, the professor gave us a test. Being a good student, I quickly answered all the questions… all, but the last: “What is the baptism name of the maid of our institute?

I handed over my test paper, leaving the last question unanswered. Just before the lesson ended, another student inquired if the last question would be marked. “Certainly!", the professor replied. “You will meet many people in your life. All of them will have some degree of importance.

They will deserve your attention, even if it is a simple smile or a simple hello".
I never forgot this lesson… and went on to learn that the baptism name of our maid was Marianna.”

We need to count the least as crucial. Count everyone as Crucial!

“man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7 NKJV)

And when we start valuing people for who they are, we will see the real revival. This revolution has the potential for revival – a bottom up, though! Because everyone will be valued and this in turn will make them feel very much part and parcel of the ministry – its success and failure. They will wholeheartedly involve and will play their part well, realizing that their contribution counts! For People Count!

“those members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary. And those members of the body which we think to be less honourable, on these we bestow greater honour… And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honoured, all the members rejoice with it.” (1 Corinthians 12:22,23,26 NKJV)

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