
Monday, February 25, 2013

3 Pairs 3 Poems

Three PairsThree beautiful couples exchanged vows and promised to love and cherish each other “till death do us (them) part” on the Valentine’s Day this year as they were united in Holy Matrimony.

Wedding PoetryThe first change that my marriage with Angel brought in me was that it made me a Poet! So much so that Angel has made a handmade handwritten book on all the poems and SMS that I sent her (and received from her) after our engagement Smile.

Realizing that it is time to write poems for other dear ones too (on their wedding), I could not resist but write these poems for the three couples, wishing them great, happy, blessed years together in Christ! Hope you would enjoy and be enriched in your marriage.


For Jonathan Edward Henceforth (Edy) and Lidiya Princy

Edy and Princy


Dancing to the music of life

Snapping for the God who gave my life


Sweet like a chocolate

To cherish always


Daddy’s boy, Daddy’s favourite boy

Down from heaven come by


Firm feet on the ground

For my God’s grace does abound


Autumn or winter I keep smiling

As am in the family with all my sibling


Waited all these years

Wanted to share my yearns


Walled up feelings well up

Wait as I for my love to show up


To be a hand to hold

With Christ by my side do I behold



Family and friends do I leave

For to join with you and to love


To dance with you in the party of life

To share with you all that I have, to be your wife


To be the princess dear to your heart

To love and cherish, never to be apart


The greatest of all the prizes that I have won

The prince of my life you are the only one


United to be One

“A man leaves his father and mother to get married, and he becomes like one person with his wife.” (Eph 5:31)

For Ashish Daniel and Joy Elizabeth Regina

Ashish and Joy


Born to be Jubilant and Brave

Joy is my Name!


Always curious and conscious

Like my Daddy, prayerful and pious


Pampered with love and care

Owe it all to my beautiful family who I treasure


Difficult it is to leave such a family that loves

And the Days that I cherish spent with friends


Joyful times, playful days, future moments

All I trust and thrust into your blessed hands



Promising to care for you as a mother

To hold, to love and to be yours forever


Knowing what it means to receive love

Will shoulder every burden, for we are one


Playful and joyful too am I

Blessed couples made for each other, you and I


United to be Joyfully Blessed

आनंदमय आशीष की जीवन के लिये एकजुट


For Stanley Jones Bringforth and Regimol

Babu and Regi



Get Set

Ready - Readying for the Big Day!


To care as I cared

To share as I shared

Faithful in love

Joyful in companionship

To smile at every situation

To hold until the end

From a tiny child, to a toddler, to a teenager, to be a man

Graduated from the school of life

Stepping out to start a life in Christ with my life partner



Born with anticipations

“My future is in your hands” (Ps 31:15)


The youngest of the three

Grew up with friends galore


Stood up to speak up

To win, to win your heart


Directed by God my steps I take

To triumph over every life’s state


Birthdays many we will celebrate together

Born for you and will be yours forever


You are my dream come true

The course, course of life we now shuru

To love, to cherish and to serve


United to Serve

“As for me and my family we will serve the Lord” (Josh 24:15)

Like to read another post on this Wedding? Read Till death do us part. Still more posts are to come on this Wedding experience. Stay tuned with this blog!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Till death do us part

Married CoupleQuite recently I had the privilege of doing and translating it into two other vernacular the Order of Service for a ternary wedding that took place on the Valentine’s Day. Even as I was working on it and every time as I was translating every portion of it - it was a reminder of my own marriage, divinely ordained. You might call it coincidence, but I would disagree, when I say that I was also chosen and called to be part of the wedding choir. I would only call it as divinely ordained, again! As I enjoyed the making of the Order of Service booklet and practising in the wedding choir, there were a few elements that impressed upon me heavily; lessons that I learnt which I want to pass it on (because not everyone assiduously reads their own wedding order of service or gets to marry others or at least do the Order of Service Smile). Hope you would enjoy and as well this would enrich your marriage.

More than being a celebration and the greatest of all occasions, the foremost nature of wedding is that it is “holy”.

The very first word is “Holy Matrimony”. Then as the Bridegroom and the Bride are ushered in, the choir sings, “How welcome was the call, as sweet the festal lay…” and the choir goes onto sing,

O bless, as erst of old,
The bridegroom and the bride;
Bless with the holier stream that flowed
Forth from Thy pierced side.

Even the blessing that is beseeched to come upon the bridegroom and the bride is from that of the “holy blood that Jesus Christ shed upon the cross”.

Divine blessing in a marriage is only through the holy blood of Jesus Christ.

Welcoming the gathering the Celebrant says, “ On behalf of His Holy Church, _______________, I welcome you all to this Holy Matrimony”.

Marriage is witnessed (to take part & to be a witness) by the church whose calling is also to be “holy”. That is, marriage is a call to fellowship with holiness.

While declaring the intent of marriage he says,

This bond and covenant of marriage is an honourable estate, instituted of God himself in creation and it signifies unto us the mystical union that is between Christ and his Church. And, Christ, our Lord and saviour, adorned and beautified this holy estate with his presence, and first miracle that he wrought, in Cana of Galilee.

The position of being married first signifies “holiness”, that is, positionally we are called as ‘holy’; but we got to make it our living condition.

And he goes onto say,

Holy BibleAnd, this holy estate is commended in Holy Scriptures to be honourable among all men; and therefore is not by any to be enterprised, nor taken in hand, unadvisedly, lightly, or wantonly; but reverently, discreetly, soberly, and in the fear of God, duly considering the causes for which this holy estate was ordained.

The reference point to the holiness in marriage is the Bible.

Even the first of the reasons why God ordained marriage is –

In His NameFirst, it was ordained for the increase of mankind according to the will of God, and that children might be brought up in the fear and nurture of the Lord, and to the praise of his holy name.

Unholiness in the marriage life of a Christian brings disgrace to the Holy Name of God.

Secondly, it was ordained in order that the natural instincts and affections, implanted by God, should be hallowed and directed aright; that those who are called of God to this holy estate, should continue therein in pureness of living.

What we call as “natural instincts” should lead to “pureness of living”. Does it? Check!

Above all while exchanging the marriage troth the couple promise and pledge the same -

I, __________, take thee, __________, to be my wedded Wife/Husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my troth.

Holiness in marriage is a holy ordinance ordained by God. So the standard to live by is God’s standards, not man’s.

During the Declaration of the marriage the Celebrant pronounces them to be husband and wife “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”

Marriage is sealed in the Name of the Triune Holy God. Unholiness in marriage results in God’s seal of protection and promise being broken/destroyed. Above all it “grieves” God. (Eph 4:30)

The interesting fact is that the most appearing word in the Wedding Order of Service is “Holy” and its other forms; 18 times as “holy” and other two times as “holier” and “pureness”.

When holiness is missing or lost in a marriage it leads to “death”; death of love, death of companionship, death of cherishment, death of caring, death of comforting, death of contentment, death of commonness (sharing).

When holiness dies, these deaths take place and we start living apart! Are you dying these deaths everyday and feel that your marriage is falling apart? Introspect yourself and bring back holiness into your personal life. Repent of your unholy ways so as to rebuild your family life.

In this wedding we sang a beautiful hymn, the words from Psalm 23 and I feel that the second stanza is a very apt way to close this post as a prayer,

My soul He doth restore again,
And me to walk doth make
Within the paths of righteousness,
E’en for His own name’s sake.

Love Restored

There are a few other interesting elements of this Wedding Order of Service, some specific to my wedding too, and as well much more. Interested to read them? Visit this blog again or click to join this site My Word With The World

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The 2 Chocolates–A Valentine’s Day Special!

Here I am back with a post once again on the Belgian Chocolates. I hope that this post too would be as sweet as those chocolates Smile

Belgian Chocolate BoxThere are these two chocolates in the Guylian Belgian chocolate box which I have been keeping for a long time, until the last, until all the other chocolates are eaten. I am preserving them to be eaten at the last. Any guess when would that be? Yes, you are right. That’s tomorrow!

Before I talk about those two chocolates let me treat you with the rest! The box offered me with a wide variety of yummy choices. Chocolates of different shapes and flavours; one shaped as the Sphinx, other like a Butterfly and likewise.

I shared some of these chocolates with my friends. But I did not give away or share these two chocolates with anyone. They are special!

Curious to know what those chocolates are? Tempted to scroll down to see what they are?

Guylian ChocolatesLike the chocolate box, life too offers many choices and I call them as chocolate-like-choices, choices that are sweet; choices packaged and presented differently; choices that are appealing to our senses; choices that are equally pleasing; choices that makes us indulge in them instantly; choices that make us go in search of them again & again; choices that make us think and dream about them often.

All these choices have its own consequence – short and long term; good and bad. But the power to choose is in our hands!

Two ChocolatesI know that I have held your curiosity for sometime, so let me open up the secret of the two chocolates. They are Red heartshaped chocolates! And I am preserving these two chocolates, one for me and the other for my wife, my valentine, like we both preserved ourselves until our marriage. That’s the choice that I am talking about, this Valentine’s Week.

Because the choice that you make this Valentine’s Day has eternal consequences. Let not your temporal, carnal, physical, emotional appetite push you to make the wrong choice. The Lord who made Adam for Eve and Eve for Adam has you and your life partner very much in His mind. Even as you would make Him, Jesus Christ, your valentine, and wait upon Him, He will bring your valentine at the right time.

“He has made everything beautiful in its time.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11 AMP)

“No one who trusts in You will ever be disgraced” (Psalm 25:3 NLT)

As I am keeping the heart-shaped chocolate for my special lady, my wife, preserve your heart for the one who God has ordained for you.

“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” (Proverbs 4:23 NLT)

Guard Your Heart

So, this Valentine’s day make sure to preserve your heart for that only one special person God has kept for you!